Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cellular Wisdom: Our Way of Life

Let us take a closer look and a deeper examination of this overnight retreat dealing with the BCBP Way of Life. By way of review, be reminded of the 3C’s of the life-changing processes as we have chosen and decided to follow Christ, bringing Him to and winning for Him our respective marketplaces through the Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals (BCBP). 

The first C is conversion to a life of righteousness with and for Christ. This we did starting with our interactive participation in the Christian life program which did not end there because our conversion is a dynamic process.  Conversion is a lifelong and continuous undertaking which could be a “struggle” to some but part of life and living to those who “survive” after all the trials.  The Brotherhood Christian Marriage Retreat (BCMR) was another significant activity in our brotherhood bringing us closer to our respective families ultimately establishing an intimate personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 

The second C is commitment which we are presently dealing with, while the third is commissioning presented/discussed last May 4, 2012 during our Chapter’s monthly teaching.  The BCBP Way of Life Retreat is a program designed for your commitment leading you to freely sign with conviction your commitment card.

Let us point out keywords that will guide and provide us focus or concentration in this retreat. Yes, we have way and life. Jesus Christ says, “I AM the way, the truth and the life” (Jn 14:6). We are assured of His presence and being alive all the way through in our BCBP way of life and living.

By way of practical application in our daily life and living, allow me to borrow and present the context or perspective of cellular wisdom by Dr. Joan C. King in her book, Cellular Wisdom: Decoding the Body’s Secret Language.   Let us pray that we maybe gifted with the vision to look at our life with fresh insights and wonders when we connect and bridge seemingly separate fields or disciplines: between biology and theology or between the scientific and the spiritual. 

In a nutshell and directly related to our present undertaking is the “interaction between the different systems in our body” comparable with the systems in our society. It is our aim to improve human relationships fostering more harmonious communities.  Examining an individual human body, we find trillion of cells that make up tissues, organs and systems (ex. nervous, circulatory, digestive, etc.).  In society, we have individual beings, groups of persons as in the family, in workplaces and in organizations like the BCBP.  We look at BCBP as an organization in the large universal body, the Church where Jesus Christ is the Head.

Like the community in our body that includes the cells, tissues, organs and systems designed to work cooperatively to keep us safe, healthy and growing, the diverse groups in society (our respective homes, schools, churches, places of business and organizations whether private or public) must work together for the benefit of all.  Again, we look at the human body as “a complex and interconnected weave of specialized, cooperative and integrated cellular system” that we would like to project in society specifically with our Community, the BCBP.  It is along this line of thinking that we actively and cooperatively engage ourselves in the BCBP Way of Life Retreat that consists of 2 major parts.

The first part includes 7 teachings to be handled by 7 physically able, open-minded and spiritually high brothers and a sister in our Chapter. The topics with the corresponding facilitators are:
1. Honoring the Lord by Kuya Lando Grape,    Formation Director
2.   Giving to the Lord and His Work by Kuya Marvin Soco, Unit Leader
3.    Brotherly and Sisterly Care by Ate Girlie Ang, wife of the past Chapter Head
4.  Living our BCBP Way of Life by Kuya Magno Garcia, Programs/Service Director
5.   Community, Family and Church by Kuya Wilbert  Ang, past Chapter Head
6.   Love for Country by Kuya Nestor Gloria, Mission Director
7.  Where Do We Go from Here by Kuya Benson Tompong, Chapter Head

In each topic, session guides are prepared.  All activities are participatory.  Everyone is encouraged to actively participate in the brainstorming and group discussions.  We pray for the Holy Spirit to guide, enlighten and empower all of us who are directly and indirectly involved. 

The significant, meaningful and fruitful output of this overnight retreat will be your decision to freely sign with conviction your respective commitment cards which will be the second and final part of this special weekend program.
Do you agree that “it is hard or tough to live a focused life”?  Every now and then from every direction, someone or something distract our attention.  This is the case with our lukewarm and less active brothers and sisters who are headed down another detour.  Let us pray to focus our attention to our commitment to know, love and serve the Lord through the BCBP.

Let me share with you a scenario, an American setting that shows us commitment.  “A Chicago youth pastor came up with a clever way to keep his group on tract.  Aware of the balmy beaches of Florida and the possibility of distraction from their main purpose of evangelization, he fashioned a cross from 2 lumbers showing it to the group before climbing the bus.  He told them, ‘..remember that the main purpose of out trip is to glorify the Name of Christ, to lift up the Cross, the message of the Cross, the emphasis of the Cross, the Christ of the Cross,…so we’re going to take this cross wherever we go.’  The teenagers looked at each other unsure of what was the plan.  Anyway, they agreed to bring the cross wherever they went which was embarrassing at first but later became a point of identification.  The cross was a constant, silent reminder of who they were and why they had come.  Eventually, they regarded carrying it as an honor and privilege.  
The night before they returned home, the youth leader handed out 2 nails to each of the kids.  He told them that if they wanted to commit themselves to what the cross stood for, they could hammer one nail into it and keep the other one with them.  One by one, the teens drove their nail into the cross.

Years later, one fellow now a businessman called the youth leader.  He told him that he still keeps the other nail in his desk drawer.  Whenever he loses his sense of focus, he looks at the nail and remembers the cross in Florida.  It reminds him of what is the core of his life – his commitment to Jesus Christ (C. Swindoll’s Favorite Stories and Illustrations. p. 97).

Comparable to the nail kept in the drawer, I have my old and dilapidated commitment card kept in my wallet for safe-keeping and constant reminder of my unfading commitment to know, love and serve the Lord.  I carry it “head-up” with the healthy pride as my identity that I am a committed and active member of the BCBP being drafted into God’s army for the Great Commission.    nmg

[1] Introduction/orientation of the BCBP Way of Life Retreat for the BCBP Consolacion associate members held at the Sto. Niňo Spirituality Center, Tolotolo, Consolacion, Cebu on May 5-6, 2012.

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