Saturday, August 13, 2011

The winning edge

I recall how an American woman tennis enthusiast with a sincere concern asked me, "Did you win the game?".  It was in 1984 during a study tour to some islands in Hawaii (Thanks to USAID!).  I was carrying with me a newly bought lawn tennis racket.  This memory crop up lately after a series of interactive exchange of thoughts with a Filipina earning a living in Texas, U.S.A.  It seems like we are "playing the game of life".  Who has the winning edge?  Our Creator is a Just Judge, Father of all mankind and Fair Referee in this Game (Eccl 12:13).  And so, after her "voluminous strikes" and my minimal "sure ball returns", I am writing her:
Dear Dinah (Dayon sa Langit),
Human as I am, I tend to pity you but I know you are strong.  Moreover, I am getting annoyed with what you are trying to drive at.  You are simply converting me to ride on the vehicle you are in.  I am sorry to tell you that being equipped with my doctrinal and expectant faith, I am comfortable with the mode of transport I am into though ”struggling” because of the many temptations around.  I understand that you are a committed Bible-believing Christian.  You belong to the “sola scriptura” sect.  You don’t believe in anything outside of the Holy Bible.  I respect your choice and if you are truly a Christian, you should respect mine.  Are you insensitive to the Universal Laws and the Laws of Nature?

If what you have revealed is true, that indeed you are suffering from cancer, then you should have passed the stage of questioning, “Why me, Lord?”.  I can imagine or visualize you reverently holding your Holy Bible carefully cutting through the pages trying to find the answer to this question.  If and when converting people to your ”religion” or “belief system” is your mission and purpose for relief and gratification, I suggest that you evangelize or “share the Good News” to non-believers.  Recently, I encountered a new-found friend who is a 48 years old German.  He is an atheist who coincidentally is suffering from the same kind of cancer that you have.  He is your most appropriate target or ”passenger”.  I’m sure there are a lot of people like him surrounding you whom you can win to ride with you to our ultimate destination.  I visualize this scenario as if you are like Sharon Cuneta in her marine transport commercial, “Sakay na!”.
I wonder why you are so mad at Christian and motivational writers. Philip Yancey is one among the several inspirational authors I am reading.  In one way or another, they certainly influence my way of living.  These authors eventually brought and inspired me to read the Holy Bible daily because their concepts and precepts in life are Bible-based.  I worry about your negative pronouncements or judgments against the person of Mr. Yancey.  Don’t you know that your actuation is libelous?  Are you not aware of the basic lesson in life, that whenever you have nothing good to say to your fellowmen, you better be silent? The judgement you pass on to them will boomerang to you.  It is slander (Lv 19:16 and Sir 19:14).  You are good at judging others (Mt 7:1-5).  I pray that you observe acquitting and condemning words (Mt 12:34-37).

I recommend to your “pastoral team” that you read Scott and Kimberly Hahn’s book, “Rome Sweet Home: Our Journey to Catholicism”.  I pray that you open your mind to a wider vision and a thorough search for TRUTH, the TRUTH that sets us free. I also petition for your full recovery. You are "dis-eased", not at ease. Don't you know that a disease is an external manifestation of an internal disorder usually attributed to psychological, emotional and spiritual malfunctions?

Dinah dear, at this point in time of your remaining precious life, have you formulated your “personal mission statement”?  Mine is written in the article, “Holistic being and living” posted in  dated January 25, 2011. I try to observe and model after Qoheleth (Eccl 12: 9-10) in my “reflective writing”.

Empathically thinking of you, your  Kabayan:

Nestor M. Gloria (nmg)

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